Tuesday, October 18, 2016


As a child my favorite shows were the wiggles, blues clues, and spongebob. My favorite movie was Scooby doo. When I was a child I would always swear at my parents and my grandpa because whenever I was in the car with my grandma she would swear at the other drivers. When my grandpa asked me if I wanted to watch a Disney princess movie I would swear at him and tell him I don't like princess's. When my 2 older brothers wanted me to play with them I would tell them "I can't I have to do my homework." Even thought I was 3 and didn't go to school I always wanted to go to school because I wanted to be like the "big kids".
When I would go to stores like IKEA with my mom, aunt, and cousin my cousin and I would always try get lost so we can run around in the store. I remember going to a furniture store and going to the mattresses and we would jump on the beds then run away cause we didn't want to get caught.


  1. Nice quotes. Explain a few things a little bit more.

  2. I used to love going to Ikea with my dad its so fun and they have some of the best cookies btw
